In Liberty and Health Podcast
I had a great time talking to Kyle on the In Liberty and Health podcast about my music and crypto! You can watch the interview HERE
Rebel With A Cause podcast
Thanks to Eric The Reb for featuring me on Rebel With A Cause podcast! You can watch to the full episode HERE
Tatiana Moroz joins Jimmy Daytona on the “The Jimmy Daytona Show” podcast
Tatiana Moroz had a chat with Jimmy Daytona from “The Jimmy Daytona show”, where she shared some information about her new album and her journey as musician and a crypto advocate.
Tatiana Moroz joins Chris Baker on the “Fountainhead Forum” podcast
Check out Tatiana Moroz and Chris Baker’s discussion on how she got involved with the Blockchain industry, and also her new album, “Love Songs for Idiots”!
Tatiana Moroz joins Jake Gallen on the “History of NFTs” podcast
Check out Tatiana Moroz and Jake Gallen’s discussion on the NFT space, TatianaCoin, and Tatiana’s new album, Love Songs for Idiots!
Tatiana’s Interview with Natalia Earle from BuckleUp Podcast
Join Tatiana and Natalia Earle from BuckleUp Podcast as they discuss Tatiana’s inspiration for her new album, Love Songs for Idiots.
The Tatiana Show Hosts #PREPPERPALOOZA Online April 5th
Preppers are having a moment and we want in on the fun! The Tatiana Show will be livestreaming hours of interviews, live music performances, and the basics of disaster preparedness…
Tatiana Interview on High Heels of Bitcoin
Mike Satoshi was kind enough to chat with me about my passion for music and how discovering bitcoin empowered me express my political and social concerns through my art. We…
Crypto Cares: Bahamas 2020
Crypto Cares: A Bitcoin Presentation, Musical Performance, and Video Series by Tatiana Moroz and Friends This is a free educational and live music event held at Champions in Gregory Town,…
Interview on Coinstructive LAB Radio
I ran into Chris Groeshong, an old crypto friend while at Unconfiscatable in Las Vegas. So now, you can listen to my interview with Coinstructive on LAB Radio (Chris is…